Contacting Your Scheduler: What Every Mystery Shopper Needs to Know

It’s pretty common for mystery shoppers to feel isolated in their positions. After all, when you are a mystery shopper you can go months and months without talking to another mystery shopper (except for communications on online forums and in mystery shopping chat rooms). In fact, if you are like most people, the only people you may regularly communicate with about your job and specific assignments are your schedulers. Yet…

Why You Need to Improve Your Relationship with Your Schedulers – And How to Do It!

So many mystery shoppers gripe and complain about how much trouble they have with their schedulers and providers. For some mystery shoppers, this truly is just lip service. For others, however, there are some considerable and very real problems going on in that business relationship. As a mystery shopper, you have a few options to consider. You absolutely have the option to call that relationship quits at any given time….

Getting Answers to Your Questions When Your Mystery Shopping Providers Don’t Respond Quickly

Most mystery shoppers have been faced with the dilemma of trying to get quick answers from their mystery shopping providers. More often than not, such questions are related to assignments and mystery shoppers feel they need fast answers to their questions if they are to complete the assignments on time and accurately. When providers are not available when we need those fast answers, however, the result is that we can…

How to Get Your Urgent Assignment Questions Answered Fast (So You Can Save the Day.)

In the mystery shopping world, it often seems as though you are working on your own in a little bubble. To an extent, this is absolutely true because you can complete numerous assignments without interacting with your mystery shopping providers at all, except of course for requesting the assignment and submitting the report. There are times, however, when you really need to get ahold of someone at your mystery shopping…

Why Your Scheduler Isn’t Responding To You (And What You Can Do About It)

Mystery shopping is the perfect job for those people who want to earn a paycheck without the constant oversight of a manager peering over their shoulder. You can absolutely work on your own, and as long as you do the assignments correctly and complete your reports properly, you can work on dozens of assignments without every communicating at all with a scheduler except to request assignments and submit reports. Even…

Can’t Get Paid? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Mystery shoppers love getting paid. There’s no denying how great it feels to get emails from PayPal saying you have received funds from a provider, or opening up your mailbox to find several checks waiting for you. Unfortunately, some mystery shopping providers are just plain slow in paying for your hard work and valuable time. In same cases, payment for completed assignments exceeds slow and borders on ridiculous. If you…

Know When To Approach Your Scheduler About An Issue (And How To Do It)

In most cases, your schedulers at the various mystery shopping providers you have signed up to work with will be your main business contact as a mystery shopper. In the mystery shopping world, a scheduler is very much like your manager would be at a regular job. A scheduler, will analyze your job performance, and can adjust your shopper rating. By doing this, a scheduler can affect your ability to…

How To Make Your Scheduler Like You (…And Why It Matters)

In the mystery shopping world, a scheduler holds a lot of power. A scheduler has the ability to dole out cushy, high-paying assignments, to raise or lower your shopper rating, and to eliminate your ability to work for that particular company in the future, to name just a few things. With this one person having so much control over your ability to work and earn a paycheck, it’s not a…

When Editing Turns Into Re-Writing: What To Do When Your Report Is Drastically Altered

Most mystery shoppers appreciate that mystery shopping companies take the time to make small changes to their reports. It’s difficult to complete a “perfect” report without devoting a lot of time to editing and revisions yourself before you submit the report. Imagine the nightmare of going back and forth with all of your providers on small typos and subtle changes to clarify your meaning for every report that you turn in!…

The Headache Of Slow-To-Respond Schedulers

One of the top aspects of mystery shopping for many people is the flexibility mystery shopping allows us. With our busy work schedules, our busy personal lives, and other aspects of our lives that could interfere with a “normal” job, mystery shopping allows us to still earn an income while working around the other demanding areas of our lives. For many mystery shoppers, we often try to fit in as…