Easy Ways to Get Your Shop Approved (The First Time!)

It can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort on a mystery shop, only to have the report sent back to you for revisions. There’s a lot of time involved in doing a shop – such as preparing for the shop beforehand by reviewing requirements, and actually completing the shop and filling out the report. When you push that “Submit” button to send your report off through cyberspace,…

What Everybody Ought To Know About Skipping A Shop

Everyone will occasionally have something come up that prevents you from completing a shop – a family emergency, an illness, or maybe your car broke down. These things happen to the best of us, and there is little to nothing you can do to prevent them. So what’s a shopper to do when an event like this prevents you from doing a shop you’ve requested? Is It Really An Emergency?…

Secrets of an Efficient Mystery Shopper

We’ve all heard the old adage that time is money. As a mystery shopper, the more shops you can squeeze into a busy day, the more money you can earn. Many of us chose mystery shopping as a job because of its flexibility, and because we need extra money but have busy lives, too. So it goes without saying that the more shops you can do in a day or…

How To Handle A Difficult Scheduler (… And Keep Your Cool!)

You did the shop, and you followed the written directions to the T. Despite a family emergency, you went out of your way to make sure the report got filed on time and accurately. And now, after all that time and effort, the scheduler says there is a problem with your report and doesn’t want to pay you! Frustrating situations such as these happen all the time to mystery shoppers….

5 Lessons You Can Learn From A Rejected Shop

It’s a tough pill to swallow. You’ve just learned your shop was rejected and you won’t be getting paid for it. Ouch! Rather than blame the company or yourself for this, use this as a time to learn valuable lessons from your mistakes. What can you take away from this experience?

Do You Have The Qualities Of A Successful Mystery Shopper?

Perhaps you’ve read about mystery shopping in the news or online, or heard about it from friends. You’ve decided mystery shopping is for you, and you can’t wait to get started. But before you jump in over your head, make sure you have what it takes to get the job done!

How You Can Be A “Green” Shopper: Save Money While Helping The Earth!

Feel good, save money, and protect the environment. Here are some practical tips for saving gas money, reducing your electricity bill, and making more money as a mystery shopper…And help Mother Earth at the same time!

Learn Ways to Make Timed Shops Less Stressful

Here are lots of practical tips so that you can go into that timed shop with CONFIDENCE. Finally stop your anxiety in its tracks, and easily conquer your first “timed” mystery shop.

Easy Ways to Remember Small (But Important) Details – So Your Shops Are Approved

Common sense tips for remembering those pesky little details…so that you can ace your mystery shopping report. (So that the mystery shopping company will love you!)