Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship With Your Mystery Shopping Provider

Most people have a number of personal relationship they cherish, and this may include relationships with parents, kids, siblings, friends and others. You may not give much thought to your professional relationships with your mystery shopping provider, however, but this important relationship can help you to enjoy greater levels of job satisfaction and can even provide you with a boost in your earning potential from mystery shopping assignments. With these…

Qualities to Look For in Your Mystery Shopping Provider

If you are looking for a few new mystery shopping providers to work with, you are not alone. Many people are looking for new mystery shopping providers in an effort to locate a greater number of assignments and earn more money in their job. Others have the desire to stop working with some providers who they have a poor relationship with, and their hope is to develop a more professional,…

Are You Working for the Best Mystery Shopping Providers?

As a mystery shopper, you likely spend a lot of time and effort picking and choosing the best assignments to complete. After all, some assignments are far easier to complete than others, and some pay much more than others do. While you do want to spend some time choosing the best assignments to work on, you also want to take a closer look at your own mystery shopping providers to…

Do You Trust Your Mystery Shopping Providers?

As a mystery shopper, you may not think about trust too much in the day to day operations of your job. You hop on the job boards and select a few assignments to work on, head out the door to work on your assignments for that day, and come back home to complete your reports online. Most of the time you likely feel like you are flying solo in this…

What to Do When A Mystery Shopping Provider Won’t Pay You

There are a handful of mystery shoppers who are working in this field to help create a better consumer experience for others, but for the most part, mystery shoppers are working in this job to enjoy the convenience of a flexible work schedule and extra money in our pockets, too. But what happens when you have done the work on an assignment and your provider won’t pay you? Here are…

Looking for the Best Mystery Shopping Providers? Hot Tips to Help

In just about every type of job, who you work for can really make a big difference in how happy you are working every day. This is no different for mystery shopping, either. The fact is that with mystery shopping you are a contract worker, and so you have incredible flexibility over which providers you work for. Yet some mystery shoppers, for whatever reason, feel as though they are trapped…

An Interview with Consumer Impressions Mystery Shopping

I recently had the opportunity to ask Jodi Paul a few questions about her mystery shopping company. If you’re looking for a great company to work with, I highly recommend signing up for Consumer Impressions. Please give a short introduction to your company: Consumer Impressions, Inc. is headquartered in Plano, Texas.  We have been providing mystery shopping services since 1991.  We focus mainly on fast food, but also do fine…

Top 3 Signs It’s Time to Drop a Mystery Shopping Provider

Many mystery shoppers by nature are devoted to the job and will try to make their relationships with mystery shopping providers work despite less than desirable events and details that crop up over the course of the relationship. Not every relationship, however, is meant to work out. Try as you may to make the relationship work, there are times when you simply need to call it quits with one provider…

Why You Need to Build a Trusting Relationship with your Mystery Shopping Providers (and How To Do It)

In the workplace, trust is very important. An employer trusts that employees will not only show up to work each and every day, but that the employees will do their best work and make clients or customers happy. Likewise, an employee trusts that the employer will pay them on time and as agreed for the employee’s time and efforts, and that the employer is looking out for the employee’s best…

The Importance of Keeping Tabs On Mystery Shopping Providers

Mystery shoppers just love to talk about their providers! Now, the mystery shopping agreements you have signed with each of your providers limits what exactly you are permitted to say, but that doesn’t keep you and other mystery shoppers from communicating on forums and such in code or riddles to convey the information you want to share and hear. The fact is that if you spend even just a little…