Last Minute Ideas for Boosting Mystery Shopping Income for the Holidays

There is no denying that the holidays are an expensive time of year. It all starts with that huge grocery bill you get around Thanksgiving, and it seems that the cost of various expenses just keep adding up clear through New Years. There are costs for presents, home décor, traveling, extra food for hosting get-togethers, and so much more! As a mystery shopper, you definitely want to do what you can to use your fun job to cover some of these expenses. Right now, the holiday season is well under way, but there are still some things you can do to make the holidays more affordable for you.

Check the Job Boards Daily

The holidays are one of those crazy times of the year when you may think you are “done” with your shopping, party hosting, and more, but then the need to buy new things crops up. Perhaps family members call and announce an impromptu visit, you overlooked someone on your gift giving list, or something else altogether. You will want to check the job boards each day during the holiday season and try to find jobs that you can pick up that meet your purchase needs. It’s far better to do a little work while you are out and about and get your expenses reimbursed later if you can!

Don’t Forget the Regular Expenses

Many mystery shoppers spend so much time looking for assignments to cover their gift buying needs during the holiday season that they overlook those that can cover your everyday expenses like your gas bill and your grocery bill. There is indeed always extra traveling done during this time of the year, whether you are traveling out of state to visit family and friends or you just are running to the local shopping mall more often. Look for any assignments you can to cover your expenses this time of year, even if it is just a reimbursement on your purchase of bread and toilet paper at the grocery store.

On the Road

If you are planning to travel during the holidays, as so many people do, be sure to check out job boards outside of your normal search parameters. You will want to consider assignments at airports you will be visiting or at restaurants, gas stations and other venues either en route if you are taking a road trip or in your final destination. Often travel time is filled with some serious downtime when you do nothing more than wait around for your flight to depart or check out the scenery as you drive down the road. Why not add a few assignments to your travel time to earn some money while you are away from the house?

The fact is that this time of the year can really empty your wallet if you aren’t careful, but thankfully as a mystery shopper you have the ability to control your income. You simply have to be willing to work during this season, and if you do, you can really boost your income and help make the holidays more affordable.