How Personal Organization Can Affect Your Mystery Shopping Paycheck

If you are looking for a few easy ways to increase your mystery shopping paycheck, you are not alone. Some people may work harder and really spin their wheels in an attempt to earn more money mystery shopping, but this may not be necessary at all. The fact is that your level of personal organization may be preventing you from bringing home a bigger paycheck. So how does your level of personal organization affect your paycheck?

At-Home Organization

Most people consider mystery shopping to be an away-from-home job, but in reality, most mystery shoppers spend about half of their work time at home in front of the computer. While at home, you may search job boards to find new assignments to complete. You may type up reports for assignments you completed earlier in the day. You may also keep tabs on your mystery shopping accounting while at home. With so much work done at home in front of the computer, it is understandable if your work area is less than organized. However, dealing with stacks of paperwork and a generally disorganized work area can really slow down your efforts at home. Consider reviewing your work area and making improvements so that it provides you with a more organized work space. This can free up additional time in your day when you could be working on other assignments.

Workday Organization

If you think you are mystery shopping as much as your busy schedule will permit, you are not alone. Many mystery shoppers are filling in the gaps of their busy schedules with assignments to really maximize income. However, you may consider if your workday is as organized as it could be. Do you drive back and forth between your home, your regular workplace and site visit locations throughout the day? Do you run home to complete a report before heading back out to complete another site visit? Do you regularly drive across town from one assignment location to another? With some effort to better organize your workdays, you can become far more efficient in your efforts. Consider if you can minimize trips back and forth between locations or otherwise reduce the amount of time when you are driving across town.

Consolidated Providers

Many mystery shoppers enjoy browsing their providers’ job boards and searching for new assignments to work on. Reading assignment requirements can be interesting, and it sure does feel great when you find a higher paying assignment to complete. However, you can spend a lot of unnecessary time searching through job boards. Take note of which providers you work with who do not normally offer many assignments in your area or that you are interested in doing. By consolidating providers and dropping a few providers who simply don’t have enough assignments to make your searches fruitful, you can improve your efficiency when searching the job boards.

Through these various efforts, you can increase your efficiency in many areas of your mystery shopping workday. Improving your organization in these areas can free up additional time when you could be working on new assignments and making more money.