Make Quick Cash With A Cell Phone Assignment

Mystery shoppers are always on the lookout for assignments that are relatively easy to do, and assignments at cellular phone retail stores are just that! These assignments are fairly cut and dry, resulting in a typically hassle-free paycheck. But, as with any assignment, there are some things keep in mind:

Who’s Your Provider? Many cell phone retail store assignments require that you either specifically have service with that provider already or you specifically do not have service with that provider. Either way, there is a certain role that the assignment typically asks you play, such as upgrading to a new plan or changing providers. In order to satisfy the requirements, you have to usually have (or not have) a pre-existing service plan with that provider.

No Purchase Necessary. One of the great things about cell phone retail store assignments is that there is usually not a purchase required. In most cases, you will be asked to interact quite heavily with a salesperson about service plans and phones or other equipment. You may also be asked to ensure displays are set up properly. But there is no purchase necessary usually. So what this also means is that there is usually not the other requirements that may accompany a required purchase, such as a return trip to the store to return the merchandise, checking the time requirements for how long you wait in line, trying on clothes, and so on.

A Straightforward Questionnaire. All providers have different questions on their questionnaire, but in most cases, the questionnaire is very straightforward. You could realistically expect about 25-40 pretty easy questions in most cases, which most mystery shoppers can knock out pretty easily. Altogether, the reporting is about average, and even leans to the lighter as far as reports tend to go.

It’s All About Money. As mystery shoppers, we are constantly looking at our bottom line. What is the total amount of money we will receive for our time and efforts. Many cell phone provider retail store assignments will fall into the $10-15 range, but there is some variation on this between different providers as well as different regions of the country.

Looking at the hidden benefits of doing the assignment, you can still write off the travel mileage, but in most cases you won’t have the hidden perk of a purchase reimbursement.

Time Your Entry. If you have the choice of when you can visit your cell phone retail store, it is highly advisable to avoid peak shopping hours. Many of these retail phone stores are small and often have very few salespeople working the floor. Hitting these stores at a peak time, such as in the evenings after work, during lunchtime on weekdays, and on the weekends, can mean a crowded store and a much longer store visit. If you visit the store at non-peak times, you can be in and out of the store usually in under 10 to 15 minutes.

If you are looking for a cut and dry, relatively simple and straightforward assignment, try a mystery shopping assignment for a cell phone provider’s retail store!