3 Mystery Shopping Secrets That Can Boost Your Income

Working day in and day out as a mystery shopper requires a lot of time and effort, so it makes sense that you would want to explore every option possible for boosting your income and maximizing your profits. The fact is that some mystery shoppers have been at it for years or even decades. While the pay may never be amazing, these pros have found a way to make their efforts more profitable. If you are rather new to the job, however, you may be struggling to find a way to make the job worthwhile at all. By adopting a few secrets of the trade, you can most easily boost your income and mystery shop like a pro.

Go For the Gold, Not the Glory

Every mystery shopper would love to have that coveted assignment at a fine dining restaurant or an amusement park, but the glorious assignments are not always worthwhile. Rather than spend your time scouring the job boards for the assignments that come with bragging rights, go for the assignments that you can take to the bank. Many believe that mystery shopping assignments should always be fun and enjoyable. However, when you approach mystery shopping from the standpoint of a fun hobby rather than a job, you will likely only get mediocre income. Look for the assignments that are most profitable, and you can boost your income almost immediately.

Compare Providers

There is a common misconception shared by many new mystery shoppers that the provider you work with doesn’t really matter. The fact is that some providers specialize in a certain area of the country and in certain types of assignments. In addition, some offer far more lucrative compensation than others. The bottom line is that the providers who you work with will affect how much time you spend on an assignment as well as how much money you can earn. You can take time to compare different providers over the next few weeks in an effort to find the best providers to work with.

Use Those Tax Deductions

Taking advantage of tax deductions can seem like more hassle than it’s worth. After all, who wants to tally receipts and keep track of additional paperwork all year long? The fact is that it truly is worthwhile to do so. Tax deductions for a new laptop or other office equipment, business miles traveled and more can add up to hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of deductions over the years, and this can be a true benefit to you. You may not see an immediate reward by tracking your deductions, but when tax day comes around, you will see the savings from your efforts with considerable results.

These three tips can help you to boost your income and to keep more of that money in your pocket. You can take time now to adopt some of these tips into your regular mystery shopping efforts now, and you may soon notice that you are making more money than ever before as a mystery shopper.